Grey Willow Trees / Shrubs

Been going crazy lately collecting different types of seeds from trees and shrubs. Alder, Silver Birch and White Willow. Another one of those I've been collecting is the Grey Willow bush. Willow trees / shrubs are funny things. There are so many different types out there that it can be hard to positively identify a certain type. One of the main reasons for this is because they can make new hybrids from two different trees from the Willow species.

So, basically this means that two different types of Willow can mix together and make a new hybrid. This is great for the Willow family as a whole as it gives it a massive advantage in terms of spreading it's genes and ensuring that they are always continuing to evolve.

The Grey Willow is extremely easy to grow from seed. I have a few up and running at the moment. All you have to do is fill a pot with some soil, spread the seeds on the top, and then spray with water, making sure the surface remains moist. Put the pot in a location that gets some sunlight. A windowsill will do just fine. You could also put them under a low watt CFL "energy saver" bulb. After a while they will germinate.

Grey Willow seeds are super small, so its best to spread out the cotton ball-like material the seeds are protected / transported by and place it on top of the soil. You will be able to see the tiny seeds within the cotton ball-like material. They are little dots! Just remove as much of the white fur as you can and leave the rest. Makes things much easier and less fiddly. Works for me!

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